Sand Hill Angels requires an application via our deal management platform, Dealum, in order to consider a company for investment. Submitting all your information in one place for all of our members to review is integral to our process.
Our Process
Applications are accepted on our deal management platform throughout the month. An application is the only way to have all members review all pertinent information about your company. Please note that an incomplete application will almost always lead to a disappointing response. We need to get to know you and your company in order to determine interest from our membership. For more application tips click here.
After we receive your full application, one of our Special Interest Groups — Consumer, Enterprise, Life Sciences — review all submitted deals and make recommendations to the Screening Committee. This happens once a month.
Deals are evaluated on multiple criteria, including quality of management, market opportunity, product concept, competition, go-to-market plan, financial projections, the investment’s potential returns and whether the deal fits the investment objectives of our membership.
You may be contacted at this point if investors have questions. A deal lead is assigned to you at this time to guide you through the process.
Pitch Presentation
New companies picked to present at Sand Hill Angels are chosen every month.
The first presentation to Sand Hill Angels Membership is the last Thursday evening of the month.
Plan on a ten (10) minute presentation and five (5) minutes of Q&A.
Companies that meet our investment and interest thresholds move on to a 2nd Pitch Meeting. The 2nd Pitch Meeting presentations are thirty-five (35) minutes and consist of a brief presentation and lots of diligence Q&A. This presentation is on the 2nd Thursday evening of the month.
DD / Investment
There is no set timeline for the due diligence work post presentation.
For those at the beginning of their journey, putting together a Sand Hill Angels diligence package can serve as a package you can pass along to present & future investors. For more information on diligence requirements, click here.
Post investment, Sand Hill Angels expects regular Quarterly Updates to the Sand Hill Angels Class Manager. Sand Hill Angels is here for our Portfolio Company entrepreneurs and is always willing to provide advice or give guidance — and willing to roll up our sleeves and extend our networks to help make you a success.
Learn More About the Application Process
Get Investment Tips
A well prepared application, presentation and great delivery are critical to your financing success. Your ability to manage the meeting time is an indicator or your management capability. Providing the correct detailed information cuts down the time between application and funding. These guidelines will serve you well for a meeting with virtually any angel group or venture capital firm — and save you time down the road.